
  • The leaderboard is where all players can use their Eternia Spirits to compete with each other and earn bigger rewards.

  • The leaderboard will be available seasonally. Each season will have a separate Leaderboard and the player’s score will be reset after a season ends.

If the seasonal leaderboard has not started yet, related features (Mining Tower, Worship) will be temporarily locked.


Top Pool

Every player’s Eternia Spirits will be reset at the beginning of each season.

To be ranked on the leaderboard, each player will need to earn at least 100 ranking points from any activity.

To earn more ranking points, players can do one of these activities:

  • Assign pets to the mining tower to earn Eternia Spirits (ranking points), and Space Stones.

  • Convert Space Stones into Eternia Spirits.

  • Purchase seasonal furniture and decorate your pets' houses.

At the end of the season. The top 300 leaderboard players will be rewarded based on their ranking.

Other qualified players will be selected through the Lucky Pools to earn their rewards.

Lucky Pools

  • Seasonal lucky pools are used to reward players who didn't make it to the top 300 of the seasonal leaderboard.

  • All qualified players (earn at least 100 ranking points) who can not make it to the top 300th will be listed as Lucky Pool participants at the end of the season.

  • The Lucky Pool drawing starts right after the season ranking is closed.

  • To determine the winning chance of each player for 1 winning slot. The win rate will be calculated by: <player point>/<All Lucky Pool participant point>


The player has 100 point

The sum point of all Lucky Pool participant players is 10000

Then the player has a 1% chance of winning the pool

The Lucky Pool has 2 sub-pools.

Each player can only win 1 prize, so after a player has won the previous drawing, that player’s point and account will be removed from the next drawing round.

The drawing process will be repeated until all the Lucky Pool Prize winners have been selected.

Reward Pools Value

The seasonal leaderboard reward value will be determined by the stone contribution of every user to the Eternals World within that season. The following contributions will be added to the final pools of each season:

  • [Worship]: exchange ranking points in the Eternia Shrine

  • [Decoration]: purchase furniture to decorate the pet's house

  • [Mining Tower]: Space Stones contributed to Unlock/Upgrade/Repair the tower.

Last updated